Tooth senstivity

Tooth Sensitivity

What is Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity is nothing but Root sensitivity and it occurs when the enamel that protects our teeth gets thinner. It is a common problem that results in pain the teeth due to exposure of teeth to different temperatures. Root sensitivity has been estimated that approximately half of the population is experiencing Sensitivity caused by teeth. It may cause by taking the hot, cold, or sweet food and drinks or breathing in cold air.

What are the causes of Tooth Sensitivity?

Coming to the healthy teeth, the enamel protects the core layer of dentin and Gums protect the tooth roots. But when the enamel is worn down the dentin of the root exposes to sensitivity. Dentin contains thousands of tubules, so when exposed to the elements these dentinal tubules allow heat or cold substances to reach the nerves inside the tooth which results in causing pain.
Some of the factors that cause Tooth sensitivity are:

  •  Brushing too hard can wear down teeth enamel, causing the dentin to become exposed.
  • Highly acidic foods and beverages cause Tooth erosion.
  • Cracked teeth allow bacteria and can cause inflammation in the pulp of the tooth.
  • Gum recession that leaves your dentin exposed.
  • Teeth grinding or clenching can wear down your enamel.
  • Overuse of some mouthwashes may also cause Tooth sensitivity. Some mouthwashes contain acids. If the dentin exposes to such materials, the acids can damage the existing root sensitivity worse and also damage the dentin layer.
  • Sensitive teeth may also cause due to dental procedures like a crown replacement, professional cleaning but this pain is temporary.

Precautions for Tooth Sensitivity

Good oral hygiene can help in preventing receding gums by keeping your mouth as healthy as possible, this may reduce chances of getting sensitive teeth. Regular brushing and flossing can help you to get free from Sensitive Teeth. Taking a non-acidic diet may also help you to reduce root sensitivity.
Consult your dentist for a low abrasion toothpaste that is specially made for sensitive tooth. These toothpaste contain Fluoride to help protect your teeth.

Treatment for Sensitive Teeth

When you are suffering from Tooth sensitivity, activities such as brushing, eating and drinking can cause sharp and temporary pain in your teeth. Sensitivity occurs due to the exposure of tooth roots.

For Sensitive teeth, visit your dentist because there are several types of treatments available. Your dentist can identify causes of Tooth pain. Depending on circumstances, they might recommend the following:
Desensitizing Toothpaste, which sometimes helps you in relieving pain from Tooth sensitivity.
Fluoride gel or Varnish. It strengthens the tooth enamel and reduces pain.
Bonding, Crowns or inlays. These may fix a tooth decay that causes sensitivity.
• A surgical gum graft can protect exposed roots and reduce sensitivity. It is placed by taking a small amount of gum tissue from any other area of your mouth and attached to the gum lost area.
Root canal, last resort treatment for severe Tooth sensitivity.
These are the few methods of how to treat and prevent Tooth sensitivity. Brushing your teeth twice with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste helps your teeth from being sensitive. Use a straw while having the acidic liquids that give you limit contact with your teeth and drink water to balance the acidic levels.

The main objective of this article is to promote knowledge about general oral health topics. This information is not intended to replace any professional advice or treatment. Consult your dentist or dental hospital and seek the advice before you undergo any treatment.

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