LANAP treatment for gum disease

LANAP Treatment for Gum disease

Most of the frequently asked questions in the case of LANAP treatment are what is LANAP? How does it work? How effective is it? Well, having knowledge of oral things is actually good. LANAP refers to the Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure. Here “New Attachment” refers to the process of the laser treatment that attaches a healthy gum tissue to bone in your mouth.

LANAP Treatment plays an important role in gum disease treatment, because the progression of gums is nothing but the parts of your gums becomes infected, damaging the other attachments and loosening your teeth. LANAP treatment is the right path for treating gum disease. As a result,  it triggers the source of inflammation without hurting any gum tissue and allows the body to recover from the chronic infection without the need for sutures.

How does LANAP treatment works?

Earlier most cases used to follow the traditional way to treat advanced periodontal disease. In traditional surgery, the dentist cuts the diseased gum tissue with scalpels. What LANAP treatment do instead is it does not require any scalpel or sutures. LANAP laser surgery does not require the cutting of gums. It eliminates diseased gum tissue with specific light frequency.

The laser is able to distinguish the diseased tissue from healthy. As a result, it leaves the healthy tissue unaffected which results in a safe and comfortable procedure. The laser also kills any living bacteria present in the mouth without comprising healthy gum and bone tissue. Consequently, LANAP treatment helps in speed healing and encourages new tissue growth in addition.

Why LANAP Treatment is preferred than Traditional Gum surgery

In traditional gum surgery, the dentist uses a scalpel to peel back the gum tissue. In addition, the process is to cut down and suture the gums to decrease the pocket depth. Once after the pockets have been cut down, tissue grafting is used to reattach the gum to the tooth’s root surface, which usually has longer recovery time and results in pain and discomfort during the healing.

While LANAP treatment eliminates the diseased gum tissue with a laser light without affecting any other healthy gum tissues. Let us have a look at some differences between Traditional Gum surgery and LANAP treatment.

Healing Time – As LANAP does not require any surgical cuttings and sutures, so it allows rapid healing. Consequently, the laser removes the bacteria, reduces inflammation, and supporting healthier tissue. Whereas, Traditional gum surgery needs a long time for recovery along with leaving pain and discomfort.

Pain – Traditional surgery requires cutting and suturing of the gums. As it is very painful, the dentist usually prescribes post-operative pain medication. When it is about LANAP treatment, it causes less discomfort and rarely requires post-operative pain medication. It also takes very less time for recovery.

Effectiveness of LANAP treatment

  • LANAP treatment allows for faster healing. As a result, allows the patient to recover and heal more quickly.
  • Laser gum surgery results in less discomfort during and after surgery.
  • It leaves less tooth loss after surgery as compared to traditional surgery.
  • Laser gum treatment needs minimal time recovery.
  • It increases new tissue attachments between gum and bone after the treatment.
  • Reduction in gum inflammation and bleeding.
  • A laser gets rid of bacteria in the mouth that cause gum disease.
  • Laser gum surgery is safe for patients with health concerns such as diabetes, HIV, and haemophilia.

This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist at dental hospital qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.

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