Every routine for at-home dental healthcare must include flossing! Plaque, bacteria, and food particles can be removed from between teeth by flossing, where your toothbrush can’t. All dentists agree that flossing is the greatest technique to maintain healthy gum tissue and prevent gum disease. While flossing is important, there are ways to go excessive with your flossing techniques. Too much force or forceful flossing might eventually harm the gums and the tooth enamel. In other words, flossing can really be damaging to your oral health if done improperly. Here are some ways which explain to us how our teeth can be damaged by flossing too hard and how negatively it may affect your child’s oral health if done excessively:

Daily flossing multiple times – One of the ways through which teeth can be damaged by flossing too hard is that it can increase the risk of damaging your child’s gums. The teeth’s roots may become exposed as the gum tissue starts to recede, which could be painful and sensitive. You only need to floss your child’s teeth once daily for the day for the best results.

Excessively much force during flossing – Some persons may floss too vigorously, which can damage the gums and the tooth enamel. As the enamel erodes, harm can be done to both the gums and the teeth.

Gum recession from flossing – Some parents may pull on the floss too firmly when trying to get it between the teeth. As a result, the floss penetrates the gum line by making hard and violent contact with the gum tissue. Gum recession, bleeding, and ultimately gum disease may occur from this. Don’t let the floss create openings where bacteria can enter the gum tissue; doing so could lead to an infection or tooth decay.

When should you floss, and how often?

The ADA suggests cleaning your teeth twice daily for two minutes and flossing at least once every day. While some people like to floss as part of their morning routine, others choose to do it as their last cleaning before night. The widespread general opinion is that flossing should come first, followed by tooth brushing. When you floss, you normally remove plaque and food debris from the area around your teeth. Following the removal of the plaque and debris from your teeth and gum line, the brushing motion aids to remove them.


Regular tooth flossing is essential to a dental hygiene routine if done properly without doing it vigorously and excessively. Regular flossing provides numerous other significant advantages in eliminating food and debris between your teeth. Daily flossing can lower your chances of developing gum disease and tooth decay by eliminating food debris and avoiding plaque buildup. Flossing also helps stop food from becoming stuck between your teeth and causing bad breath. Additionally, some evidence indicates that frequent tooth cleaning and flossing may lower your risk of heart problems. At least once a day, usually before brushing, try to floss your teeth.

From diagnostics to treatment, the Sky Dental Clinic in Vijayawada offers the most latest dental technology. Consequently, we can be sure that our patients are getting better care. As a result, we provide a wide variety of dental treatments at our Vijayawada dental hospital, including premium services.

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